Air Tahiti Nui wins first prize in the PATA Awards for its eco-friendly carbon offset service

Paris, March 10, 2022 -
During the last Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Awards Ceremony, Air Tahiti Nui was awarded with the First Prize in the « creation of an innovative product/service and/or eco-responsible» category, for its new eco-responsible service allowing passengers to offset the environmental impact of their travels.
The PATA Awards ceremony was held on Wednesday, March 9 at the Pullman Montparnasse hotel in Paris. This annual event established in 2019 by the association in charge of promoting tourism in the Asia-Pacific zone rewards the initiatives of tourism actors, aimed at promoting the region. This year, twenty candidates had the opportunity to present their projects to the members of the jury, composed of tourism experts.
Air Tahiti Nui won the first prize in its category for its innovative and eco-responsible initiative in partnership with the New Zealand start-up CarbonClick.
Since June 2021, Air Tahiti Nui customers can calculate the carbon emissions of their flight and choose to offset the impact of their trip by accessing to the CarbonClick platform. The airline thus offers its passengers the possibility to reduce their environmental footprint by funding various projects to fight against global warming.
This prize rewards the work and the investment of the Air Tahiti Nui teams who would like to raise awareness about global warming and wish to meet the expectations of the passengers, who are increasingly aware of the need to reduce their ecological footprint.