Aranui 5

Aranui - A Unique Journey of Discovery

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Flights + accommodation


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Includes flights from the UK to Tahiti
Brought to you by our partner Turquoise Holidays
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Roadmap of your stay

Prices from £7,595 per person, based on 2 people sharing a Deluxe Cabin for the 11-night cruise including all meals (onboard and in local restaurants), wine, water and most activities (excluding scuba-diving and horse-riding), one night pre-cruise and one night post-cruise at the InterContinental Resort Tahiti with transfers and international flights from the UK.

Request a tailormade quotation from the team of Tahiti experts at Turquoise Holidays.

What you can expect

Known as the ‘Freighter to Paradise’, the Aranui 5 is surely one of the most unique and unforgettable journeys in the world. A cruise unlike any other, the Aranui is a cargo vessel, which carries supplies – and a limited number of passengers – to the most remote group of islands on earth – the wild and mystical Marquesas!

The 12 day round-trip voyage begins and ends in Papeete and makes its first stop in the Tuamotu Islands before continuing on to the far-flung Marquesas.The enchanting Marquesas Islands are so remote that the Aranui is their lifeline to the outside world – the ship visits all six inhabited islands in the archipelago, delivering supplies and picking up copra, dried coconut and noni fruit. Visitors are very rare, but very welcome in this part of the world – you will be warmly greeted by the friendly locals on each island who await the Aranui’s arrival with anticipation.

Prices from £7,595 per person, based on 2 people sharing a Deluxe Cabin for the 11-night cruise including all meals (onboard and in local restaurants), wine, water and most activities (excluding scuba-diving and horse-riding), one night pre-cruise and one night post-cruise at the InterContinental Resort Tahiti with transfers and international flights from the UK.

Request a tailormade quotation from the team of Tahiti experts at Turquoise Holidays.

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